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7 Best Free Keylogger For Monitoring KeyStrokes, Chats, Website Visits

Best Free Keylogger

Best Free Keylogger I know all of us wants the best free Keylogger for keystroking. So, In this post, I’ll talk about some best free keyloggers to use. Let’s start with a quick introduction to Key-logger.

What is Keylogger?

A keylogger is a software which is used to monitor the keystrokes silently which is pressed by the victim. Usually silently so that user won’t identify that their keystrokes are monitored by a hacker. This can capture everything which is typed by the victims and also has the capability to capture the keystrokes which are press via On-Screen Keyboard.
It uses to capture the personal messages, passwords, credit card information, username & password, websites URL on which the victim is visiting and can also detect the keystrokes which are pressed in the Incognito tab. It silently works on the background without the victim knowledge.
Keyloggers are legal? Yes, It is. These are used by parents to capture their kid’s activity on the internet for safety purposes. It is also used by Black Hat Hackers to harm others by stealing their sensitive information. If you are a CEO of a company and wants to monitor your employee’s keystrokes then you can use this Keylogger because some of the employees don’t work at the office and do chatting in their free time. So, In this case, keylogger is helpful for CEO.
If you wanted to download keyloggers there are so many keyloggers available on the internet to use. But we don’t know which is the best free keylogger. So, Keep reading this full post. I’m going to tell you about some best free keyloggers.

7 Best Free Keylogger

BlackBox Keylogger is a free security-monitoring software which used to monitor keystrokes also. BlackBox helps to advance monitoring in business, educational. It also provides instant warnings, alerts to the owner’s cell phone which contains the reports of monitoring data summary.
This company is very concerned with the privacy. So, they are encrypting all the monitor data and also BlackBox express is not giving the data to any 3rd-party company.

6.) Real Free  

Real Free Keylogger is also a good keylogger. When you open this keylogger it asks you for a new password which you need to enter to use this software. This is for security purpose so that not every people without password can’t see the logs data.
This can store all the keystrokes, chats, emails, facebook email, passwords, websites visits and you will receive these all updates on your email.
But this keylogger also has its own disadvantages like the free version of this software is not offers email notification, logging IP address, Screenshots. These are the basic options which are provided by other keyloggers.

5.) Actual 

This is one of the oldest Key-logger in the market and has a good reputation in the market because of its good features. The best feature of this tool is that this is not been found on the program task manager. That means it works invisibly, undetectable. This key-logger can do the below tasks:
  • every application which is run or closed by the victim.
  • All keystrokes press
  • all the content which copied
  • print activity
  • websites visits
  • startup/shutdown operations
  • gives reports in HTML format
  • encrypt all log files 

4.) Kidlogger

Kidlogger is the best software for parents who want to monitor their child activity on the internet. This tool does it all work very effectively. It has so many good features which makes it my favorite one. It provides the following features:
  • Websites visits
  • which apps are used
  • also records microphone
  • USB drive usage, folder usage
  • also captures the screenshot of skype video
  • also captures the websites visits screenshot
These all features make it different from other keyloggers.

3.) Windows  

It is similar to other keyloggers. It also strokes all the keys and monitor websites visits, online chats and send alerts via email.

2.) Revealer  

Revealer Keylogger is quite good and it has also some good features which help parents, employees monitoring. This can also record keystrokes, passwords, conversation etc. It provides password protection in its basic (Free) version to prevent anyone from opening it and also satisfies so many of its users with it service.
The major sign of the keylogger is installed in the computer that it will prevent from slow down your computer.

1.) Spyrix  

This is also the best key-logger which has a premium version also available. But this keylogger provides most of the features in the free version also. Like it provides full remote cloud monitoring for free. This feature allows you to monitor all the activity remotely from anywhere in the world. You don’t need to download any files. Simply, log in your account and you will see there all each and every single keystroke is present.

So, it is very secure because it provides cloud monitoring. Just log in to your account and you can see the present screenshots also and It also undetectable with any virus software. So, If you are new to Keylogger then Spyrix is the best fit for you.

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